What took you so long? (subtitled, why is marketing yourself so hard?)
by wootenadmin in marketing, marketing attitutude, Uncategorized
So many of us in business for ourselves don’t put our needs first—the cobblers children have no shoes.
Maybe more importantly, marketing yourself is hard—even if you are a marketer. Here’s my theory why:
- “Fools names and fools face often appear in public places.” My mom used to say that to me whenever we saw an autograph wall in a restroom. And it stuck with me. My old website was fairly sedate. Attractively designed, but really behind the scenes. The new website puts ME out there. Not only what I do, but my face. Yikes.
- “Don’t brag.” I have probably heard that coming out of my mouth when talking to my own children. We’re taught not to brag as kids, but when in business for yourself, bragging is marketing. Yet, wait, I’m not supposed to brag, right Mom?
- “If you build it, they will come.” Evidently, I’m into trite sayings today. I think part of the reason I have drug my feet on launching this new website is fear. Whether fear of being noticed or of not being noticed, I can’t say.
As I put myself out there, I want to say thank you to my fabulous creative team. Joanna Holder of Modular,Inc designed the site, and Tammy of Tammy Labuda Photography captured the great photos.
How about you? What is holding you back from marketing yourself.